Saturday, February 15, 2020

Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security - Essay Example Since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid, the Obama care represents one of the most important regulatory overhauls of the U.S. healthcare system. The significant role of the PPACA was felt in healthcare system due to its incorporation with Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act amendments in the United States. The ACA was enacted in order to increase the affordability and quality of health insurance. Through this health care act, there was a provision of lowering the uninsured rates through the expansion of public and private insurance coverage. This bill, additionally, reduced the cost of healthcare for both the individual patients and the government. Lastly, the â€Å"Obama care† introduced mechanisms like subsidies, mandates and insurance exchanges. This act established a universally single-payer health care system in the United States. It was roughly an equivalent of Canada’s Medicare. Under a single care insurance model, all the medical care were supposed to be catered for by the government of the United States. The major aim of National Health Care Pact was to end the need for private health insurance and premiums. This entirely probably was aimed at recasting the privately owned health care insurance company and boosting the affordability and efficiency of the United States health care system (Mathews, 2014). The external factors that led to the implementation of the Patient Protect and Affordable Care Act and the United States National Health Care Act was to have an efficient and affordable healthcare system to the public. Health care, as a national government policy, is a very crucial docket especially when it comes to the expenses communally incurred to cater for these expenses. The implementation of â€Å"Obama Care† considerably considered the accessibility of health services to the public, which is the basic entity of both the federal and national governments (Institute of medicine, 2005).

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Composers of the 20th Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Composers of the 20th Century - Essay Example The first and most important way by which Stravinsky did this is by introducing the changing face of his style of composition, while retaining essential and distinctive identity. Stravinsky also introduced the use of motivic development. This involved the use of repeatable musical figures in different guises either in a section of the composition, or in its entirety. Herein, notes are added or subtracted to a motif, without any regard to consequent changes that may take place in metre (20). It is against the backdrop of Stravinsky’s contributions that the idea and practice of pushing rhythms across the bar lines began to gain more notoriety. Consequently, because of Stravinsky’s input, the rhythmic structure in music gained a more fluid and spontaneous streak, especially in his work on The Rite of Spring. The same also made Stravinsky’s compositions take on a more offbeat, primitive and rhythmic drive and thereby making his work more unique. The veracity behind this is underscored by the fact that it is through this effort that Stravinsky is known in the history of music as the only composer who upgraded music to its artistic status. In equal length, Arnold Schoenberg also broke ranks with musical traditions of the past by the many inventions and contributions he made. Particularly, Schoenberg invented the dodecaphonic compositional method which is also known as the twelve-tone compositional method. In so doing, Schoenberg set the path for his students such as Anton Webern, Alban Berg and Hans Eisler who followed the dodecaphonic method of composition and made it famous. Byron points out that Schoenberg showed a departure from the musical traditions of the past by abandoning key centers in his musical composition, and thereby helping perpetuate the concept of free atonality which was relatively new by then (7). Also, Schoenberg’s work and procedures at it were organized in a dual manner, simultaneously. Schoenberg’s