Saturday, November 16, 2019

International Law Essay Example for Free

International Law Essay International law refers to an agreement signed between nation-states binding them to conform to well structured principles and acceptable standards. It primarily concerns relations between nations on specific legal fields such as treaty, humanitarian and criminal laws rather than on issues of individual citizens. The formation of international law came about due to view by legal activists that consented signing of defined principles by sovereign states could limit their power to interfere with other nations internal affairs. This led to the finding of the international criminal court in early 20th century to safeguard states sovereignty and respect for human rights. The international law is based on the customary law, treaty law and other naturally acceptable cords of conducts. To enforce these laws, there exist many international organizations. The United Nations has been charged with the duty to keep and maintain peace and security. This is because since its formation in 1945, its charter has been adhered to by many nations and even the remaining few nations agree with the principles that form it. This makes UN the most influential enforcer of international law. It works towards developing and maintaining friendly relations between states and overseeing the harmonious resolution of conflicts among states. To achieve this, the UN has many departments each charged with a particular function. The international criminal court is one of its mechanisms of dealing with interstate and humanitarian matters (http://www. ohchr. org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/InternationalLaw. spx). The establishment of UN general assembly was made to undertake study and recommend on ways of progressively developing and safeguarding the international law. To uphold human rights, methods like sending peace keeping troops and initiating peace negotiations have been employed. Guaranteed human peace and harmonious inter-states existence is the best gift this world needs. This shows the importance of these enforcing bodies of the international law and there affiliates.

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